
I research how people use health information, particularly mHealth and online data sources, to make health decisions. 


Cotter, L. M., & Yang, S. (2023). Are interactive and tailored data visualizations effective in promoting flu vaccination among the elderly? Evidence from a randomized experiment. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, ocad087.

Cotter, L., Bentley, T., Imm, P., & Creswell, P. D. (2022). Increased Alcohol-Related Mortality in Wisconsin Pre-COVID: A Two-Decade Trend. WMJ, 269-273.


Presentations at Scientific Meetings & Conferences

Cotter, L.M., Yang, S. (2023, August) Are interactive and tailored data visualizations effective in promoting flu vaccination among the elderly? Evidence from a randomized experiment. [Poster presentation]. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. Washington, DC, USA.

Cotter, LM, Yang, S. Lu, L., Kriss, L.A., Minich M., Liu J., Silver L., Cascio C.N. (2023, May 26) Can Enhanced Cannabis Warning Labels Mitigate Youth-Targeted Marketing and Pro-Cannabis Online Social Influences? Evidence From an Online Experiment Among At-Risk Adolescents and Young Adults [Paper presentation]. International Communication Association 2023, Toronto, Canada.

Minich, M., Kriss, L. M., Cotter, L.M. Lu, L., Yang, S., Cascio C.N. (2023, April) Warning labels suppress online engagement, VMPFC activation in response to cannabis ads. Abstract accepted for poster presentation at the annual conference of the Social and Affective Neuroscience Society (SANS), Santa Barbara

Cotter, L. M (2022, Oct 17). RESEARCH PROPOSAL: Persuasive Interactive Data Visualizations: Perspective Matters [Paper presentation]. IEEE Workshop: Visualization for Communication 2022, Oklahoma City, United States.

Cotter, L. M. (2022, March 4) EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Interactive COVID-19 Dashboards and Information Recall [Paper Presentation]. UW-Madison School of Journalism & Mass Communication: Crossroads 2022, Madison, Wisconsin.

Kriss, L. A., Cross, L. D., Cotter, L. M., Suh, Y. J., Liao, X., Chung, J. H., Minich, M., Chang, C-T., Tveleneva, A. & Cascio, C. N. (2022, March 4). EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Why do misperceptions persist?: Individual differences in processing of persuasive appeals [Paper presentation]. UW-Madison School of Journalism & Mass Communication: Crossroads 2022, Madison, Wisconsin.

Kriss, L. A., Cotter, L. M., Suh, Y. J., Liao, X., Cross, L. D., Chung, J. H., Minich, M., Chang, C-T., Tveleneva, A. & Cascio, C. N. (2022, May 26-30). EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Why do misperceptions persist?: Individual differences in processing of persuasive appeals [Paper presentation]. International Communication Association 2022, Paris, France.
